Shipping & Delivery
All orders are processed in 1-2 business days.
You will receive an email with your tracking number as soon as your order has been shipped.
For any questions about your order please contact us at We will answer as soon as possible (please allow us up to 12 hours due to significant email volumes). Our customer support team is available 24/7.
Please find below the shipping times for each region respective region:
EU: 7-9 business days
US: 8-12 business days
Canada: 9-14 business days
UK: 7-11 business days
Australia: 6-12 business days
Rest of the world: 7-10 business days
Frequently asked questions
All orders are processed within 1-2 business days. For shipping times, please refer to the schedule below:
EU: 7-8 business days
UK: 7-8 business days
US: 7-10 business days
CA: 8-12 business days
AU: 7-10 business days
If you need to change your order details, we will do our best to assist you, provided the order has not yet been processed or shipped. Once your order has been processed and shipped from our warehouse, we are no longer able to make any changes.
However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your order after it has arrived, you can return your item within the 30-day return window (from the delivery date). Please ensure that the item is in its original packaging and unworn to be eligible for a return.
For assistance with changing your order or to initiate a return, please contact our customer service team at
You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return your item. To initiate a return, please send us an email at
Returns are refunded via store credit in the form of a gift card. Returns are processed within 5-7 business days after your item(s) are delivered to us.
Please note: Please ensure to package each order separately. If multiple orders are returned inside a single return package, your return will require additional time to process. You will not receive credit for any non-eligible items returned.
For customers who would like a full refund without shop credit, returning any items to our warehouse address will be their responsibility, including any associated shipping costs.
We do not offer exchanges but we welcome you to return your item(s) by mail in accordance with our Return Policy by using our online returns portal or by sending us an email at and repurchasing any available item(s) on our site.